Thursday, August 6, 2015

Week, the first: assignment, the forth!

Wow. So that didn't really work out the way I wanted it to. But that's okay. I'm back! And I have a plan! (And I promise I'm not a Cylon...that you can prove.)

So for this assignment we have to choose some of the resources on the sidebar to make use of for the coming assignments. I will admit, I am an NPR junkie, so I think I will definitely be checking that fairly frequently. And I should be checking Goodreads more often. Hey, there's nothing to say we can't do more than one.

Reasonings!: NPR is a highly trusted and authoritative news source. Much like the New York Times, they have various review departments that contribute to the overall mission of educating the public. And I've been listening to NPR and their various reviews since forever. I like their style. I like their holds-no-bar attitude toward reviewing. I think I can seriously get into it.
Goodreads is like the facebook of readers. It really is. There are great reviews. There are bad reviews. There are extremely mediocre reviews (I will admit to writing this style of review. I'm really not as good as I would like to be.) Also, it links to your account so all the books I buy from them show up there! How handy. Maybe I can review more books on Goodreads and get better at it....

As for the genre choices, there is only one I would be "excluded" from reading on a regular basis: sci-fi. This is because I don't read many of the other genres listed. it is usually sci-fi and non-fiction. So with that in mind, I think I'll do one from each of the three categories in question: Stop You're Killing Me, Heroes and Heartbreakers, and Street Fiction.

Reasonings!: Honestly, mostly it is because of the names. I know. I'm being cliche. I'm judging books (blogs) by their covers (names). But I don't care! I think they're going to be fun! They certainly sound like it. And isn't that the point? Instant interest, that's what a fun title implies. And I am going to trust in that marketing strategy.

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